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Soft Restraint Belt® (SRB)
The Soft Restraint Belt® is proven to reduce injuries and subsequent litigation and provides the least intrusive option to staff using manual holds.
Available in blue or black
The Soft Restraint Belt® is proven to reduce injuries and subsequent litigation and provides the least intrusive option to staff using manual holds. The SRB can be used to negate the need to hold someone in manual restraint and gives the effect of ‘putting handles’ on the body, allowing upper and lower torso control of a violent, injured or passive subject.
The SRB is intended to be applied to assist in the removal of a person from the prone face down position as soon as possible. Compliant with Health & Safety Manual Handling Regulations and international guidance on reducing restrictive practices, the SRB ensures staff have the potential to handle, lift, support and move challenging or injured individuals in the course of their employment, including administering personal care.
Extension straps are available to purchase separately for us on large individuals, as are comfort pads.